How About Investing in Gold Coins, an Excellent Replacement to Stocks and Shares.
Ok first of all it is a coin, not the one the referee officials use in a football match, and of course certainly not the one Peter Parker of Spiderman tips into the phone boothe to call his girlfriend Maryjane. It is a coin, and the best part of it is that, it is gold-a gold coin.
Now how is this piece of metal valuable and yet an enormous investment commodity?
The truth is, for thousands of years, gold has been valued as a global currency, a commodity, an investment and simply an object of beauty. Since its recession into the background in the 80s and 90s due to the rapid development of the financial market, many investors lost interest with this wonderful piece of asset.
But how suprising it has been in recent times, to see a stricking increase in investors interest in gold. Thinking of how this asset within a short period of time, gained a marmoth increase in demand, is clearly a positive factor in this resurgence, and as so the reasons why people and financial institutions arround the world are once again investing in gold.
As defined by experts in the industry, gold is said to be the world's most liquid investment. It is traded throughout the world everyday and infact its market never closes.
A Gold Coin
A gold coin is made mostly or entirely of gold. It is used for coins practically since the invention of coinage, as a result of its gold value. As the world becomes globalised, most gold coins are intended either to be sold to collectors or to be used as bullion coins.
Why Gold?
Gold attracts investors throughout the centuries, protecting their wealth and providing a safe haven in troubled or uncertain times. As the global economy becomes volatile and uncertain, there is typically a quality flight as investors seek to protect their capitals by moving it into assets considered to be safer stores of value. Gold is among a handful of these financial assets and it provides insurance against extreme movements that often occur in the value of traditional assets in unsettled times.
How to invest in gold
Here i would say that investing in gold would solely depend on the requirements and outlook of you the individual investor.
With an increasingly wide range of methods available to investors wanting to buy gold or gain exposure to gold price movement.
If you are thinking about investing in gold coins, it is worth giving the same considerations to your purchase as you would to any other investment.
Considering the following questions will provide a guide to help you decide on the channel that would be most appropriate for you.
. what kind of gold should i buy?
. when should i buy? and most importantly
. where should i buy? This here is simply the most important, since there are lots of gold coins markets on the internet, it gets a bit difficult choosing one internet market that will really suite your needs and give you the best valuable asset your money can buy.
One website i have follwed and indeed recommend for most interested investors is
For readers interested in investing in gold, we encourage them to follow the links on this page for specific information about the various gold coins available as gold investment.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Perils of affiliate marketing
While there is serious money to be made in the world of affiliate marketing, it should not be entered into willy-nilly. Just like any other business venture, the proper research should be done so that you know ahead of time how much money, time and effort you can expect to spend before you see a profit. Here is a short list of expectations that people sometimes have wrong about affiliate marketing.
• Just like a good highway, you have got to have traffic. You can be selling the best product in the world, have an attractive website design and have the best content on the Internet and if no one can find your site, you aren’t going to make any money. What to do? You can buy advertising to drive traffic to your site, but that costs money, usually more money then you are taking in. It’s a very fine line to walk; a tightrope that most people fall off of into debt. It is going to take time and experience to learn the proper formula, and you should expect some debt until you figure out the right combination.
• Remember, if you follow the same tips as everyone else, chances are the market is already saturated with sites using the same techniques. This may be the toughest part of affiliate marketing. Trying to figure out exactly the right technique to attract customers to your site and away from 100 other affiliate marketing sites that are selling essentially the same thing. The only real way to handle this is to stick to the basics. Believe in the product you sell, design an attractive site to sell it and write good content to keep people on your site and clicking on the links on your site. If you are patient, this formula, more often then not, will work, but it will take some time.
• Updates, updates updates. Many new affiliate marketers think that all you need is that first shiny, new webpage with original content and then you just leave the page be for the next six months and watch the money roll in. It just doesn’t work that way. You have to be ready to add new content to your page every two weeks at the most. Change the theme on your page to show visitors that you’re updating constantly. If you are coming up on Easter or Thanksgiving, change your site to show this. It’s reassuring to web surfers that they are visiting a page run by someone who is paying attention.
The road towards affiliate marketing success is full of potholes. But it can be navigated with patience and hard work. You may not strike gold right away, but keep digging, the shiny nugget is right around the corner.
While there is serious money to be made in the world of affiliate marketing, it should not be entered into willy-nilly. Just like any other business venture, the proper research should be done so that you know ahead of time how much money, time and effort you can expect to spend before you see a profit. Here is a short list of expectations that people sometimes have wrong about affiliate marketing.
• Just like a good highway, you have got to have traffic. You can be selling the best product in the world, have an attractive website design and have the best content on the Internet and if no one can find your site, you aren’t going to make any money. What to do? You can buy advertising to drive traffic to your site, but that costs money, usually more money then you are taking in. It’s a very fine line to walk; a tightrope that most people fall off of into debt. It is going to take time and experience to learn the proper formula, and you should expect some debt until you figure out the right combination.
• Remember, if you follow the same tips as everyone else, chances are the market is already saturated with sites using the same techniques. This may be the toughest part of affiliate marketing. Trying to figure out exactly the right technique to attract customers to your site and away from 100 other affiliate marketing sites that are selling essentially the same thing. The only real way to handle this is to stick to the basics. Believe in the product you sell, design an attractive site to sell it and write good content to keep people on your site and clicking on the links on your site. If you are patient, this formula, more often then not, will work, but it will take some time.
• Updates, updates updates. Many new affiliate marketers think that all you need is that first shiny, new webpage with original content and then you just leave the page be for the next six months and watch the money roll in. It just doesn’t work that way. You have to be ready to add new content to your page every two weeks at the most. Change the theme on your page to show visitors that you’re updating constantly. If you are coming up on Easter or Thanksgiving, change your site to show this. It’s reassuring to web surfers that they are visiting a page run by someone who is paying attention.
The road towards affiliate marketing success is full of potholes. But it can be navigated with patience and hard work. You may not strike gold right away, but keep digging, the shiny nugget is right around the corner.
Creating multiple streams of income
One of the great things about affiliate marketing is the idea that you can subscribe to as many different affiliate programs as you can manage, all at the same time. We’ve talked in depth in previous articles about how important it is to have some focus on your website so that you can appeal to customers instead of appearing like a hodgepodge of links. It’s a fine line to walk between having multiple streams of income and having too many programs. Let’s take a look at the right way to handle this problem.
• Make sure your streams relate to each other. This is a tip worth a thousand bucks, alone. Think about it for a moment. Yes, you want to have more than one program on your website at once, but you don’t want 10 or 15 because it’s too much to manage. So, what’s the best way to go? Have 4-5 and make them all related to each other! Say your first program is through a company that sells pet supplies. You’ve written some stellar content on pets sine it’s a passion of yours, but you want more than one stream of income. How about a program through a gourmet pet food distributor? You can SHARE CONTENT then, since you already have great content written about pets to begin with. Want more? Find a company that sells pet treats from around the world. Or maybe one that specializes in pet medications through the mail. The choices are endless and by relating all of your companies, you won’t have to write separate content for each program. You’ll save time and make money!
• Have fun with your content. Let’s say you find an affiliate marketing program that you just have to add to your site, but it’s about a topic you don’t know much about. Don’t worry! You can still write interesting and informative content, even if it’s about a product you’re not an expert on. Try a list. Just flip through the TV listings this week and take a look at all the list shows on right now. People love lists. You can make a quickie top-10 list style article and relate it to your new affiliate program. This will allow you to diversify your business and add extra streams of income at the same time. You don’t want your site to be entirely lists, but one out of three or four is fine and it makes your site appear more fun!
Creating multiple steams of income is pretty easy when you look at it. Group your products under the same umbrella to save time or add a program that you can make funny and informative lists on. Your site will benefit and you’ll have happy customers to boot!
One of the great things about affiliate marketing is the idea that you can subscribe to as many different affiliate programs as you can manage, all at the same time. We’ve talked in depth in previous articles about how important it is to have some focus on your website so that you can appeal to customers instead of appearing like a hodgepodge of links. It’s a fine line to walk between having multiple streams of income and having too many programs. Let’s take a look at the right way to handle this problem.
• Make sure your streams relate to each other. This is a tip worth a thousand bucks, alone. Think about it for a moment. Yes, you want to have more than one program on your website at once, but you don’t want 10 or 15 because it’s too much to manage. So, what’s the best way to go? Have 4-5 and make them all related to each other! Say your first program is through a company that sells pet supplies. You’ve written some stellar content on pets sine it’s a passion of yours, but you want more than one stream of income. How about a program through a gourmet pet food distributor? You can SHARE CONTENT then, since you already have great content written about pets to begin with. Want more? Find a company that sells pet treats from around the world. Or maybe one that specializes in pet medications through the mail. The choices are endless and by relating all of your companies, you won’t have to write separate content for each program. You’ll save time and make money!
• Have fun with your content. Let’s say you find an affiliate marketing program that you just have to add to your site, but it’s about a topic you don’t know much about. Don’t worry! You can still write interesting and informative content, even if it’s about a product you’re not an expert on. Try a list. Just flip through the TV listings this week and take a look at all the list shows on right now. People love lists. You can make a quickie top-10 list style article and relate it to your new affiliate program. This will allow you to diversify your business and add extra streams of income at the same time. You don’t want your site to be entirely lists, but one out of three or four is fine and it makes your site appear more fun!
Creating multiple steams of income is pretty easy when you look at it. Group your products under the same umbrella to save time or add a program that you can make funny and informative lists on. Your site will benefit and you’ll have happy customers to boot!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The biggest mistakes affiliates make
For those that are new to affiliate marketing, the whole thing can seem too good to be true. A real business from home that make you more then enough money to live on and you don’t even have to bother with products or shipping. Many new affiliate marketers simply jump into the business without properly researching it first and end up frustrated and angry that they aren’t making big time money within the first few days. Here is a quickie guide to common mistakes that affiliate marketers make and how you can avoid them.
• Patience is the key. For even the best affiliate marketers, it takes time to build a customer base. The people that are legitimately making $10,000 a month in affiliate marketing spent years getting to that level, not days or even months. For some that are new to the trade, it seems like that level of success is an overnight thing, but it isn’t. Once you pick an affiliate program, after researching it ahead of time, of course, you need to stick with it. You should change your content on a regular basis, update your site weekly, add in some holiday-themed pages and make sure you stay up to date on product information from your parent company, but the most important thing to do is to simply stay the course. If you jump ship after a month, the chances of your affiliate marketing site taking off are slim to none.
• The second big problem that many affiliate marketers fall prey to is subscribing to too many programs at once. By doing this, it makes it very hard to provide top-level page design and content relating to all of these programs at once. You should only subscribe to two or three programs at once. This will allow you to give these programs your laser-like focus so you can turn them into money makers sooner rather than later. Patience is, again, very important. It may seem like the best way to go is to load up your site with two dozen affiliate marketing sites but there is little chance that will make you any money. If your site is focused, you’ll be in much better shape.
The vast majority of mistakes that new affiliate marketers make are ones out of inexperience. They want to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. What they don’t realize is slow and steady wins the race. Dedication, hard work and focus are the best friends of affiliate marketers.
For those that are new to affiliate marketing, the whole thing can seem too good to be true. A real business from home that make you more then enough money to live on and you don’t even have to bother with products or shipping. Many new affiliate marketers simply jump into the business without properly researching it first and end up frustrated and angry that they aren’t making big time money within the first few days. Here is a quickie guide to common mistakes that affiliate marketers make and how you can avoid them.
• Patience is the key. For even the best affiliate marketers, it takes time to build a customer base. The people that are legitimately making $10,000 a month in affiliate marketing spent years getting to that level, not days or even months. For some that are new to the trade, it seems like that level of success is an overnight thing, but it isn’t. Once you pick an affiliate program, after researching it ahead of time, of course, you need to stick with it. You should change your content on a regular basis, update your site weekly, add in some holiday-themed pages and make sure you stay up to date on product information from your parent company, but the most important thing to do is to simply stay the course. If you jump ship after a month, the chances of your affiliate marketing site taking off are slim to none.
• The second big problem that many affiliate marketers fall prey to is subscribing to too many programs at once. By doing this, it makes it very hard to provide top-level page design and content relating to all of these programs at once. You should only subscribe to two or three programs at once. This will allow you to give these programs your laser-like focus so you can turn them into money makers sooner rather than later. Patience is, again, very important. It may seem like the best way to go is to load up your site with two dozen affiliate marketing sites but there is little chance that will make you any money. If your site is focused, you’ll be in much better shape.
The vast majority of mistakes that new affiliate marketers make are ones out of inexperience. They want to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. What they don’t realize is slow and steady wins the race. Dedication, hard work and focus are the best friends of affiliate marketers.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ways on How to Maximise Your Profits
There are lots of ways to market any product and any marketer knows it well. Getting the attention of a potential buyer is not a big deal at all. However, the real problem is to come up with something that makes surfers click through and actually buy something, because this is what puts money in your pocket. In case with affiliates, the only thing you should focus on is to find the top selling products and the best places to advertise them.
So how are you going to do it? Here's how:
1. Check the live stats on the testimonial page. It will help you make your mind about what you want to promote and where.
2. Find ways of putting links in the path of surfers. There are lots of places to promote MoreNiche™ products.
3. Go on the popular chat programs and join the conversation if the topic borders on the things you are trying to sell or start a conversation yourself.
4. Feel free to adapt existing ads or write new ones from scratch if you think the company ads aren’t creative enough, or if you have specific information about your target customers.
5. Put an e-book on your website and invite everybody to download it free of charge since people like freebies and will certainly welcome the chance to become informed without paying anything.
6. Write about your experience and a personal endorsement especially if you’d tried the program itself. People need to know that a product is actually working before they decide to buy it and what kind of benefits they can expect from using it.
7. Maximize your chances by subscribing to more than one affiliate program and list all the links on your website on a directory page.
8. Create your own signature file. Use a spiffy headline that’s bound to grab attention, talk about the product you’re promoting and keep everything simple and to the point.
There are just some of the many ways to advertise your product to reach wider audience on the Internet. All that you need is to feel free to mix and combine promotion techniques to suit your product and your view of how marketing should be done.
If you are looking for more than just another affiliate program, and want to spread your wings further, visit MoreNiche™ and contact their specialists. MoreNiche™ offers wealth creation and resources to get you started.
The Basics of Online Marketing
As an online marketer, you must know the two important things you need to know about affiliate marketing. I assume that you are one of those people who want to make a lot of money without ever having to put on a suit and tie and going to the office. And let’s not deny that we all dreaming of financial independence and be a successful online marketer.
The first thing you need to keep in mind at all times about affiliate marketing is: content rules. You must know how to make your own content and how to come up with quality stuff. Getting surfers to look at your website is not that hard.
Making them read more than a couple of lines is a bit harder. The second most important thing is to gain links that point to your site, which will bounce you up in search engine ratings. Make sure the links are always from web pages that focus on the same topic as the articles they point to, otherwise you are going to lose points with the search engines and that should be avoided at all costs.
Getting It Started:
Pick a niche market, identify some topics and start writing. Get about 10 articles up on your website, get links for every one of them and then keep an eye out and see if people like them or not. Every morning re-read one of the articles and see if your writing style is really crystal clear and if the ideas stand out from the text and are easy to grasp by anyone.
After weeks of doing this re-read your first articles once more. I am perfectly sure that you will be surprised of how poorly written they seem. Feel free to re-write them, or to write new ones that focus on the same topics and solutions, but with a different approach and wording. Don’t strive to be 100% original every time because this is impossible.
In a short while you will notice that your site is getting a lot of attention because of the friendly content. Keep everything simple and make sure your pages can be accessed easily by surfers who don’t land on your main page. Having a website that doesn’t look slick, but has loads of good content tells people that you are a real person and that you aren’t trying to pull anything.
Marketing campaigns, flashing banners and slick ads are nice, but you don’t need them. Just write articles and get links. Then write more articles and get more links. Repeat this until your website becomes a mandatory stop for people who want to be well-informed on the topic you’ve chosen. The links and surfer clicks will give you good ratings and the original content will make you unique.
Write good articles, put in plenty of keywords (don’t use them blatantly), make sure the links to the merchant website stand out and get other websites to link to you. That’s all you need to know to make a lot of money on the internet.
As an online marketer, you must know the two important things you need to know about affiliate marketing. I assume that you are one of those people who want to make a lot of money without ever having to put on a suit and tie and going to the office. And let’s not deny that we all dreaming of financial independence and be a successful online marketer.
The first thing you need to keep in mind at all times about affiliate marketing is: content rules. You must know how to make your own content and how to come up with quality stuff. Getting surfers to look at your website is not that hard.
Making them read more than a couple of lines is a bit harder. The second most important thing is to gain links that point to your site, which will bounce you up in search engine ratings. Make sure the links are always from web pages that focus on the same topic as the articles they point to, otherwise you are going to lose points with the search engines and that should be avoided at all costs.
Getting It Started:
Pick a niche market, identify some topics and start writing. Get about 10 articles up on your website, get links for every one of them and then keep an eye out and see if people like them or not. Every morning re-read one of the articles and see if your writing style is really crystal clear and if the ideas stand out from the text and are easy to grasp by anyone.
After weeks of doing this re-read your first articles once more. I am perfectly sure that you will be surprised of how poorly written they seem. Feel free to re-write them, or to write new ones that focus on the same topics and solutions, but with a different approach and wording. Don’t strive to be 100% original every time because this is impossible.
In a short while you will notice that your site is getting a lot of attention because of the friendly content. Keep everything simple and make sure your pages can be accessed easily by surfers who don’t land on your main page. Having a website that doesn’t look slick, but has loads of good content tells people that you are a real person and that you aren’t trying to pull anything.
Marketing campaigns, flashing banners and slick ads are nice, but you don’t need them. Just write articles and get links. Then write more articles and get more links. Repeat this until your website becomes a mandatory stop for people who want to be well-informed on the topic you’ve chosen. The links and surfer clicks will give you good ratings and the original content will make you unique.
Write good articles, put in plenty of keywords (don’t use them blatantly), make sure the links to the merchant website stand out and get other websites to link to you. That’s all you need to know to make a lot of money on the internet.
Add value to your site with affiliate programs
Affiliate programs are a great way to enhance your website income. You can have a resource website, attracting visitors with interesting informative content and not even sell anything. In order to make money, you can join some affiliate programs that target your market.
Here is how it works: You already have visitors coming to your website for your content. You can join affiliate programs with products that you know your visitors will be interested in. Your visitors will click on your affiliate links and go through to your sponsor’s website and buy the product.
You get your commission with no extra effort on your part.Not only will you make money, affiliate programs will add extra value to your site. Good programs will provide useful tools and services for your visitors.
When you add resources to your site Google will look at your website in a favorable way and increase your Page Rank. Increased Page Rank means better positioning in Google. Better positioning means more visitors to your site, with more potential click through and sales.
You get more commission and your visitors get more resources and value, everyone is happy.
Resources for finding programs include; clickbank, commission junction, and of course looking up affiliate programs on Google.
There is also a website full of resources, help and good programs,
It will give you many good tutorials and resources on how to get the most from your affiliate programs.You can also use the easiest affiliate program of all, Google Adsense. Visitors click on interesting links from Google on your site and Google will pay you a commission per click.
It is easy to set up and Google keeps track of everything. So if you would like to make some easy money from your site, plus add value to your visitors’ experience, then join some affiliate programs and see your profits soar.
Affiliate programs are a great way to enhance your website income. You can have a resource website, attracting visitors with interesting informative content and not even sell anything. In order to make money, you can join some affiliate programs that target your market.
Here is how it works: You already have visitors coming to your website for your content. You can join affiliate programs with products that you know your visitors will be interested in. Your visitors will click on your affiliate links and go through to your sponsor’s website and buy the product.
You get your commission with no extra effort on your part.Not only will you make money, affiliate programs will add extra value to your site. Good programs will provide useful tools and services for your visitors.
When you add resources to your site Google will look at your website in a favorable way and increase your Page Rank. Increased Page Rank means better positioning in Google. Better positioning means more visitors to your site, with more potential click through and sales.
You get more commission and your visitors get more resources and value, everyone is happy.
Resources for finding programs include; clickbank, commission junction, and of course looking up affiliate programs on Google.
There is also a website full of resources, help and good programs,
It will give you many good tutorials and resources on how to get the most from your affiliate programs.You can also use the easiest affiliate program of all, Google Adsense. Visitors click on interesting links from Google on your site and Google will pay you a commission per click.
It is easy to set up and Google keeps track of everything. So if you would like to make some easy money from your site, plus add value to your visitors’ experience, then join some affiliate programs and see your profits soar.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Why people fail in affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing looks easy to do, but in reality it is a little trickier than people realize. One of the main reasons for failure to make profits in Affiliate marketing is lack of dedication and work. Affiliate marketing is like any other business. It takes hard work and dedication to make a successful business.
One of the most common reasons for failure is lack of knowledge about promoting. Affiliate marketing depends on getting a lot of targeted traffic to your website. Only then can you hope to achieve a substantial click through and sales conversion. Many new affiliates are not aware of the amount of work they will have to put in to drive this traffic to their websites.
The other mistake is not to have your own website. This prevents you from doing your own website promotions and does not allow you to capture the email addresses of your visitors. When you do this you will only be building your sponsor’s business and not your own. You will also be decreasing your sales conversions.
Not knowing how to advertise and where you should be doing your direct marketing is also another mistake. Advertising must be towards your targeted market and not in unrelated publications and websites.
Selling, not pre selling: Too many affiliates try to sell their sponsor’s products instead of getting the click through. If you try to sell to your visitors and then send them through to your sponsor’s sales page they are in effect being double sold and will not be very inclined to buy.
If you pre sell to your visitors and warm them for the sale they will be ready for your sponsor’s sales page and be inclined to buy. This will increase sales conversions and your commission.
Affiliate marketing looks easy to do, but in reality it is a little trickier than people realize. One of the main reasons for failure to make profits in Affiliate marketing is lack of dedication and work. Affiliate marketing is like any other business. It takes hard work and dedication to make a successful business.
One of the most common reasons for failure is lack of knowledge about promoting. Affiliate marketing depends on getting a lot of targeted traffic to your website. Only then can you hope to achieve a substantial click through and sales conversion. Many new affiliates are not aware of the amount of work they will have to put in to drive this traffic to their websites.
The other mistake is not to have your own website. This prevents you from doing your own website promotions and does not allow you to capture the email addresses of your visitors. When you do this you will only be building your sponsor’s business and not your own. You will also be decreasing your sales conversions.
Not knowing how to advertise and where you should be doing your direct marketing is also another mistake. Advertising must be towards your targeted market and not in unrelated publications and websites.
Selling, not pre selling: Too many affiliates try to sell their sponsor’s products instead of getting the click through. If you try to sell to your visitors and then send them through to your sponsor’s sales page they are in effect being double sold and will not be very inclined to buy.
If you pre sell to your visitors and warm them for the sale they will be ready for your sponsor’s sales page and be inclined to buy. This will increase sales conversions and your commission.
Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest business models and this is why many new entrepreneurs begin with these programs. Theoretically all you need to do is send warm ready to buy visitors to your sponsor’s site and his compelling sales page will close the sale. You are just a salesman for other people’s products.
This all sounds deceivingly simple but there are a few things you should know to make an affiliate business work:
Choose the right programs: Choose the right programs: Be very careful of the programs you join. Check them carefully. They should have good support, and real time reliable tracking. A good commission should be paid monthly with no more than $20 limit for payout. Above all the products should be good and targeted to your particular market.
Pre sell, do not sell: One of the big mistakes affiliates do is try to sell their Sponsor’s product. They send the visitor to their sponsor’s page where they will be confronted by a second sales page. Double selling will deter people from buying. Warm your visitor to the sale by pre selling and let your sponsor’s sales page do the selling
Build your business as well as your sponsor’s: You are sending all these potential customers to your sponsor and building his customer list. In order to build your businesses have a way to capture these potential customers yourself. Offer a free newsletter on your site and build your own subscriber list.
Have your own website and drive targeted traffic to it: Do not rely on your Sponsor’s mirror site. Have a theme website of your own. You will be able to set up your own newsletter there and have multiple related affiliate products. The trick is to drive large amounts of traffic to your website and pre sell them to get the click through to your sponsor’s site.
Use these points to build your affiliate marketing enterprise. You will gradually increase your business until you become a “super affiliate.”
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